Titania Ladley – Unwrapping Annabell (Book Trailer)

From: Titania Ladley

All Amish widow Annabell wants for Christmas is one week—just one—to experience the modern world before she remarries on Christmas. When she sneaks from her village and gets lost one blustery night, it’s an outsider woman who rescues her, one who awakens things inside Annabell she didn’t know existed.

Things she should never feel. Or do.

Suffering Scrooge syndrome after a recent breakup with her girlfriend, Nicole’s in no mood to bother with a half-frozen woman in Amish garb. Yet Nicole soon realizes Annabell’s a holiday gift, a beautiful, sexy one to be unwrapped and devoured.

But the two women have just seven days. One short week before Annabell walks out of Nicole's life forever...and marries a man.