Lizzy auditions for The L Project!

From: lizzythelezzy

The L-Project has brought together the UK's most talented lesbian artists to record and release a single 'It Does Get Better' on Feb 11th 2012 which will help raise awareness and money for charities which work to prevent LGBT bullying among young people. *Lizzy is NOT singing the real words!*

The Song 'It Does Get Better', written by Georgey Payne, is set to be a positive message to anyone who experiences the struggles that can come with being different. The inspiration for the song comes from a dear friend of Georgey's who is still being bullied by kids at his school for being gay, he's now 16. These charities help situations like this to stop, they also help so many others who are affected from the challenges that come with LGBT life.

Every single artist, promoter, sponsor, supporter, everyone involved with The L Project has given up their time and come together because they believe passionately in giving hope to young LGBT people that it gets better.

The Charities: Diversity Role Models - Stonewall -